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Walk in Interviews on Sept 14-15, 2015

Walk in interview for the teaching associates on contractual basis for one year, one each in the given displines will be held on the dates bellow at the Liasion Office of Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University , Room No. 212, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan – II, Pusa New Delhi – 110012. The emoluments shall be Rs. 40,000/- plus HRA as per rules. Upper Age limit is 40 years with relaxation of age as per ICAR guidelines.

Walk in Interview on 14-09-2015 at 11.30 AM
1. Agronomy, 2. Horticulture, 3. Entomology

Walk in Interview on 15-09-2015 at 11.30 AM
4. Genetics & Plant Breeding, 5. Plant Pathology, 6. Soil Science

The candidate should have Ph. D degree in the relevant/allied subject. Preference will be given to candidates with teaching/ research experience.

Administrative officer